
Dr. Jack Thomas is a published social robotics researcher, experienced University instructor, and hobbyist game developer.

An Introduction

At various times I have been a researcher, a teacher, a writer, and a programmer, as the pace of modern life demands flexibility above all. As such, this personal site is a place to tie together all of the different parts of my practice. Whatever has brought you here, please enjoy my eclectic portfolio.

My Interests

Social robotics, particularly artificial social agency – that is, whether robots can become autonomous social agents, and the implications of this perception. This is a sprawling topic that touches on issues of power and personhood, aesthetics and epistemology, capital and labour. As such, I try to cultivate an interdisciplinary perspective, and have certainly been called to lecture on a broad range of subjects.

Contact Us

3583 Kingsway
Unit 501
Vancouver, British Columbia V5R 5L9